What’s in a Writer’s Bag?

Sorry I missed last week! I got absorbed with writing and trying to figure out what I wanted to do for my future! But today I decided to go to the library so I could focus on Editing my first book The Unitatis. I rented a study room for the two hours so I could have a distraction free environment (not that my home is totally distracting but it can be with a cat walking across my keyboard every few hours).

So, what’s in my writer’s bag!

Today was focused on editing but I still packed my series bible. This is the large binder where I keep character sheets and general world building. I use this to reference things such as character descriptions and to reference other things I need to describe (in The Unitatis it is mostly character descriptions and magic). I brought this today so I could reference the magic mostly and refresh my memory on the plot (I haven’t worked on this book in several months while I waited for my beta readers).

The blue notebook is my Brain. This is a smaller form of my series bible that I take when I go to write in public with my friends and have a more limited space to spread out. I brought it with me today for quick references to appearance for editing instead of flipping through my series bible.

Next is a book binder. This is my small black binder where I keep all of my initial ideas for the novels I am working on as well as writing trackers and editing trackers for al of the novels I am working on, I am final editing one, I have one on the shelf that I just finished the rough draft on, two I am currently working on the rough draft on and two I am currently plotting out, so its nice to have all of my trackers in one spot so I’m not disorganizing my series bibles even more (I have 2 series that I am work on so its easy to make the series bible messy).


Next is my pencil case. This is kind of obvious. When I need to add things to the series bible or color in my trackers, I have the pencils and pens for that!

My little pencil case is my fidget toys. When I’m thinking or reading over a work, I cannot sit still so I have my fidgets to, well, fidget with!

The headphones are to help me focus with music. I do have ADHD and need a little assistance to help me focus other than fidgeting. People talking to me is a distraction but listening to music helps me super focus on what I am doing.

My Phone keeps me connected to the world, if my friends have emergencies, they are able to reach me easily. (This is obviously not pictured as i am using it to take a picture)

Wallets are obviously there for buying things. I typically don’t need to be at the library but it’s good to have on hand if I need something on my way home or decide to go write at a café.

My little hufflepuff bag is my knitting bag which I use for my, well, knitting. I bring it with me nearly everwhere I need to go so that I can work on projects as a break from whatever else I am doing.

My Water cup is not always the Stanley knock off you see (and not always in my bag if it is as big as the cup pictured). But I use it to keep hydrated!

And finally, My laptop. This is very obvious where else do I write or edit the works that I am working on? It is also my biggest distraction! I have a very short attention span sometimes and get sidetracked with Facebook and YouTube. But it is needed nonetheless! I’ve been researching productivity tools, but I do need access to the internet in order to do research!

So, that is what is in my writer’s bag, at least for today when I decided to go edit my novel. I am open to answering any questions you may have! Some people have different things that help them writing is a very personal journey!

Have a wonderful day, and happy writing/reading!